Further Testing from OAT?

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    Rebecca Parker

      Thanks! Do you have any theories about why so much constipation? Magnesium deficiency?


        Thanks! Do you have any theories about why so much constipation? Magnesium deficiency?

        It’s more than a magnesium deficiency problem.

        Many constipation problems in autism are self-induced because of sensory nervous system issues, while others come about because of behaviors or a combination of these two. Most of the time its from limited diets poor in vegetables and fiber, as well as dehydration.

        Dr. Woeller

        Rebecca Parker

          Hi Dr. Woeller.

          I wanted to follow-up on this patient.

          I had her start the oxy powder to address the chronic constipation. The mom left me a message saying she is in significant abdominal pain. Do you have any suggestions for her at this point? They are on vacation and there is an ER about 45 minutes away.

          Here is what she said she did with the oxy powder:

          She started the oxy powder 5 days ago. On day 1 she had 2 caps, day 2 she had 3 caps, and after that has had 4 caps, always in the evening. Her stools have been liquid and gassy, as anticipated. She didn’t really complain of stomach pain until this morning (morning after day 5). I’m thinking now we’ll reduce the oxy powder to 2-3 times per week.

          I think it might have caused a Herxheimer reaction or healing crisis or something. After one dose, the next morning Calla became congested and phlegmy. She’s been fatigued and has very little energy, has complained of joint/bone pain, and has had mood swings. She hasn’t really had a fever, maybe very low grade but I haven’t checked her temp. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but it did seem like a reaction to the oxy powder. I am trying to get her to drink lots of water with lemon but it’s kind of a battle, which is unusual because normally she drinks lots of water.

          Thanks very much!

          Rebecca Parker

            PS… I suggested she use activated charcoal and Gaia Tummy Tonic, as well as lots of water and fiber.


              It doesn’t sound like she has had much fecal matter released. There’s probably a lot retained stool in the digestive system that hasn’t come out despite periods of loose stools. The Gaia product could help, plus charcoal, fiber and water. What you might have to do is a Fleet’s Enema for Children or daily suppositories. The ER would likely do at the an abdominal x-ray to see if there is retained stool and if there is some type suppository or enema too. The other option is Miralax as an over-the-counter laxative for a week or so. What have seen is a Fleet’s Enema can help reduce pressure within the large intestine and allow for stool release.

              Dr. Woeller

              Rebecca Parker

                Thanks very much! I will have her do the enema.


                  I hope it is helpful.
                  Dr. Woeller

                  Rebecca Parker

                    Hi Dr. Woeller.

                    This patient went to the ER on Monday and they found that she had an imperforate hymen. The doctors thought she had been getting periods for about 6 months and had a huge build up of blood in her uterus that was not able to get out. They did surgery and drained about 2 liters of fluid from her uterus. What the mom thought was a hard, distended abdomen from constipation was actually a build-up of fluid in her uterus. Anyway, she is much more comfortable now. Do you know how common this is?

                    Thanks very much!


                      Wow! I have never seen this before or even heard of this happening. This is not common at all, at least in my experience. We just learned a new differential in young girls for non-resolving abdominal distension.

                      Dr. Woeller

                      Rebecca Parker

                        Yes, I guess we did! I am glad they figured it out. It seems they missed it when she was at the hospital a couple months ago, maybe because it is so unusual. I did ask the mom if the imaging they did still showed stool back-up but haven’t heard back yet.


                          Still being constipated is a possibility too.

                          Dr. Woeller

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