Organic Acids and DHPPA

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    You mentioned DHPPA was produced be beneficial bacteria. What does it mean then when it is high? That they are taking probiotics? Is there ever a clinical response that you take to that information? I’m guessing there must be some reason that elevated is bad since they mark it H and show in red. What does High mean?



      The DHPPA is a byproduct of normal bacteria such as E. coli, lactobacillus, bifidobacteria. DHPPA is an indicator too of cholorgenic acid from various foods such as fruit, fruit juices and vegetables. The bacteria can convert cholorgenic acid to DHPPA. I don’t know of any toxicity from this compound.
      Dr. Woeller


      I am sending you an OAT result of 3yrs old girl.
      What about her bacterial, fungal and oxalate issues? From where we should start
      What about Quinolinic acid to 5 HIAA ratio? Can we give 5HTP to 3yrs old girl. If we go initially with l-Theanine. At younger age which one is better?


      What about inositol for high quinolinic acid

      If oxalates are very high than what should be the dose of buffered C or should we stop giving her buffered C.

      If along with calcium citrate calcium carbonate is also added as in Kirkman’s calcium with vitamin D, than this can be used before meals in order to reduce oxalates.


        Dr. Khurram,
        This child’s oxalates are very high. In fact, they likely are an endogenous producer, but I would want to see a retest in a few months to make sure. However, the oxalic acids need to be a priority intervention, along with antifungal therapy. The phenylacetic acid could be C. difficle, but probably not since the 4-cresol is normal.

        I would limite vitamin C to no more than 250mg total daily. Also, the Kirkman product should be fine with each meal, but the parents really need to analyze what may be eaten that is high oxalates.

        Also, Vitamin B6 50mg daily, and high dose probiotic, i.e. VSL#3 or equivalent. I am not sure what you have available to you at your clinic.

        I don’t know about inositol and high quinolinic. I have seen the best results with Niacinamide.

        Dr. Woeller

        Are you strictly using Kirkman Products?


          5-HTP – 50mg nightly. That would be my dose for this age child.
          Dr. Woeller


          Not very strictly using Kirkman products. Now I am using Sonic cholesterol, biocidin,speak smooth,5HTP of NBN also

          Which one is more better speak smooth or speak pure oil?

          Please write down the dose of Biocidin as I just missed today and if we don’t have easy availability of Nystatin then can we go for GSE grape fruit seed extract or caprylic or any other natural antifungal along with biocidin and please tell their dosages also.
          Thanks & regards


          Hi I am sending you one more report of OAT. Actually I always get confused in case of bacterial markers. So what about 3-Indoleacetic along with 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. Should we give him same biocidin with VSL3 and natural antifungal?
          What about Orotic as it shows excess ammonia. How to treat excess ammonia?
          Is there Any other important finding?

          This child has Landeu Kleffener Syndrome with low attention span, few words speech and little bit of aggression issues with no clinical fits.


          If some parent of 3yr old child can’t afford OAT testing and child is presenting with tummy aches , headaches, more crying , diarrhea, toe walking and on taking natural antifungals, probiotics(available more billion cells probiotic is of natural factors Ultimate multiprobiotic) enzyme DPPIVand zinc, the child becomes constipated. Why does it happen?


            Dr. Khurram,
            This child has clostridia too, but it doesn’t appear to be the C. difficle. Regardless, I would personally still treat for clostridia and definitely use the VSL#3 for the clostridia and high oxalates. Also, I would give calcium and magnesium citrate with each meal – breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and 50mg of vitamin B6. The ammonia (orotic acid) is likely coming from the gut. Therefore, here is what I would do:

            -Biocidin – 5 drops three times daily mixed in dilute juice for 14 days, then every 3rd day thereafter do another treatment day (5 drops three times daily for that particular day) for an additional 4 weeks. During the last week of treatment with Biocidin repeat another OAT
            -Dose one capsule of VSL#3 in the evening away from the Biocidin by at least 2 hours.
            -Have parents eliminate high oxalate foods.

            Some additional considerations:

            -1000mcg of Biotin daily
            -5-HTP – 50mg in the evening

            Regarding your question for Speak Smooth versus Pure Oil I only have experience with the Smooth.

            Your last question – please clarify. The child becomes constipated with enzyme use?

            Dr. Woeller

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