Oats Testing

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    1.If Oxalates markers are high, you say 90 % of the time its foods or high Candida.
    What would be a considered high Arabinose number that would or could contribute to oxalates? Would a number such as 39 contribute to the problem?

    2.If the Arabinose falls below 29, would you stop any treatment for candida?

    3.If results show mitochondrial issues, can you use mitochondrial cocktail with unresolved gut issues or would it be more effective to wait ?



      1. It would contribute a little. In this situation it is more likely diet and accumulation of oxalates overtime.

      2. Not necessarily. If the level is below the high point on the reference range I might continue yeast treatment in someone I know has a past history of yeast. Otherwise, in most circumstances I would likely stop.

      3. Yes. This would be okay.

      We always have to watch for a rare occurence with L-carnitine though. It happens very, very rarely, but in some people with L-carnitine use they can develop a rotten fish smell. It has to do with intestinal bacteria and L-carnitine can be a trigger. Again, I have only seen in twice in many, many years of practice.

      Dr. Woeller

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