Most Common Outcomes

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  • #1710
    Peter Rothermel

      Hi Dr. Woeller,

      I am reaching out to see if you could share some feedback on the most common outcomes that you have seen over your years of practice when the 4 pillar approach is implemented and executed at a high level. I would like to be able to use this information when speaking with a parent prior to starting to work with them and also when promoting my practice and services. I understand that each case is unique with its own set of challenges and there are no guarantees but I was hoping to get a sense of the areas where you have seen the most progress. Similar to how you informed us that language/communication, social and behavior were the main issues that you hear from parents in your practice.

      Thank you,


        Sorry for overlooking this message.

        The 4 pillars in my experience are fundamental and should not be skipped. But, I realize that each pillar may not be solely effective for every child, but in combination are often very helpful. Remember too that the 4 pillars are something that is always there in the background as other interventions are implemented. For example, if you have a patient with moderate to severe diabetes, it is critical that person make lifestyle changes, e.g., exercise, diet, to improve their help. They may need medication for a period of time, but that does not mean they should give up on the diet and exercise. The same can be said of the 4 pillars in that they are fundamental always to continue to pursue while other things are done over time.

        Dr. Woeller

        Peter Rothermel

          Thanks Dr Woeller! No worries. I had asked this question during one of our Q&As so it wasn’t overlooked.


            Okay. Thanks.
            Dr. Woeller

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