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    For how long we can give MB12 and than when to repeat the course.
    I got great results from Mb12 subcutaneously twice a week but it is difficult to order MB12 and make them available after every two months Is it possible if I send you or any recommended lab the prescriptions of 4-5 kids of my Institute and lab DHL or Fedex me the vials. Please guide me how can I arrange the vials easily for my school kids and for my own son also.
    Dr. Faiza Khurram


      Dr. Faiza,
      B12 commonly goes on for quite a while. I have had kids the methyl-b12 upwards of 2 years in some cases, and few longer. On average though it is about 1 year.

      The problem with Methyl-B12 these days is getting it for more than a month or two. The methyl-B12 has always lost some potency after 90 days or so, but the pharmacies here in the US are under increased scrutiny and pressure to only release a short supply at a time. A newer option called a lyophilized vial allows for a longer supply, more so than the pre-filled syringes.

      Contact College Pharmacy (in the State of Colorado) at as I understand they still take prescriptions from outside the US doctors. Let me know what they say and I have had others get things from them, and they can too prepare Methyl-B12.

      Dr. Woeller

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