Medical Directorship Setup

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    Dr. Woeller,
    I have a busy primary care office and I also do integrative and functional in my office. A local ‘Autism Clinic’ is looking for a medical director. I can’t be at the clinic more than once a month but I can oversee lab testing and protocols being set up in the clinic. Will you be going over setting up a medical directorship relationship and how to legally ‘cover’ oneself? My major concerns are how to set up a relationship where I can review labs for patients seeing the PhD nutritionist/chemist and give input that will be implemented in conjunction with the other treatment modalities at the clinic. I’m also wondering (paper work wise) how to define the relationship between us in a way that protects me.
    Thanks for your help and input with this.
    Aaron Hartman MD


      Dr. Hartman,
      This is a specific entity that should be worked out with an attorney in your particular state familiar with these types of practices. A good place to start is contacting your medical board and inquiring with them about this proposed arrangement. I was approached to be a medical director of a clinic once in the past, but the situation fell through before I was able to get enough specific information about the legal logistics of how everything was suppose to work. Therefore, I don’t know enough about this particular type of practice to give specific guidance.

      Dr. Woeller

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