Help with epilepsy

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  • #1613
    Alison Byrd

      Hi Dr Woeller, I would love your thoughts on the following special needs case. This is a 14-year-old boy who is diagnosed with severe intractable epilepsy which started around age 2 following vaccinations. His seizures are complex partial clusters. He has tried multiple different medications with multiple different doctors and nothing has helped, they in fact have seemed to make things worse. He is currently on Vimpat, magnesium and quercetin and Medicinal cannabis. He has never done the FRAT test. He did try the ketogenic diet and it made things worse ( he did a lot of dairy while trying Keto). I’m doing an OAT on him. I was going to recommend he try a dairy-free diet to see if it helps? I was waiting to see what came back on the OAT with regards to the folate markers, would it be worth trying a small dose of supplements Follinic acid, regardless? What else should I consider? Thanks in Advanced Alison.


        Do a Food IgG on this child. I think the removal of cow dairy and gluten at a minimum is a good idea. Do the FRAT as well, and also get some additional blood work looking at anemia, B12, lipid panel, thyroid and metabolic profile and CBC. The OAT of course is a must. Personally, I would be looking at the mycotoxins too and heavy metals.

        Dr. Woeller

        Alison Byrd

          I’ll try to work on getting additional testing done, Out of interest have you found supplemental Lithium Helpful with seizures if low on the hair test? Thanks Alison


            Helpful in general, but not specifically as a standalone for seizures. I have not seen nutritional lithium by itself specifically stop seizure activity.

            Dr. Woeller

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