Epsom Salts and Autism

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    I remember a lecture from Dr. Yasko mentioning that some autistic kids can have sulfate sensitivity issues (if I rememember correctly from a CBS +/- SUOX SNP). Since you mentioned using specifically epsom salts for these kids could you speak to that. Do you have any experience with kids having Epsom Salt issues, or is that just a theoretical risk.

    Aaron Hartman MD


      Dr. Hartman,
      Occasionally, but very rarely, I have some kids get hyperactivity with Epsom Salt bath. I haven’t seen it with the cream though. Perhaps these kids are the ones with the CBS SNP. Unfortunately, I am not able to obtain SNP profiles on everyone so knowing for sure just hasn’t happened. I have had a few situations where a SNP profile has been done, the SNP showed CBS mutation, and the child still did fine on Epsom Salt. The law of averages has played out over the years that the vast majority of kids do fine, and those that haven’t the reactions are not serious. It is a similar story with Methyl-B12 therapy.

      Dr. Woeller

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