Candida Treatment

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  • #1522
    Lourdes Tanchanco

      Dear Dr Woeller,

      Thank you for your lecture. I do have a few questions:
      1. For your severe candida overgrowth cases where you use Diflucan alternating with Nystatin or botanicals, how long do you usually go through this cycle? Do you taper down afterwards or do you just discontinue?
      2. If a repeat OAT is not available to monitor response to treatment, are there substitute lab markers that you can use?
      3. When you say elevated liver function test, do you mean out of reference range or do you wait for 2x elevation outside the range (some GIs here advise that to treat it as significant). If you do find elevated liver function tests after 2 weeks of Diflucan, what is your next step?

      I’m from the Philippines and most tests and supplements are not available to us or are really expensive out-of-pocket tests.

      Thank you for your time!



        1 – I have not found it necessary to taper, but will just stop the medications if no longer needed. All of my candida programs are set-up for 90 days (average), but want patients to follow-up at least monthly.
        2 – Not really. I work of the OAT so much I have not found great alternatives. You could always work off of clinical response of the patient. Sometimes this can be a challenged with an autistic child and you are only getting feedback from a parent and not the individual themselves.
        3 – Out of the reference range. It does not have to be 2X. If elevated beyond reference range, I just stop the Diflucan. I have only had one case in almost 25 years where this was necessary to do. The vast majority of everyone I have treated and tested have been fine.

        Dr. Woeller

        P.S. In your situation, I would suggest heavily relying on Nystatin and botanicals and just use Diflucan for a short period of time – no longer than two weeks. In my experience, this works fine and the need for liver testing is not necessary in most cases.

        Lourdes Tanchanco

          Thank you for your response, Dr Woeller

          Lourdes Tanchanco

            Ho Dr. Woeller,
            I tried the Candida Protocol on an 11 year old boy with ASD:
            Furan-2.5 dicarboxylic 15 (<13)
            Arabinose 29 (<20)
            Upon giving Biocidin 2 drops, he developed boils. He also takes Nystatin currently. He is also on GI-Detox as binder.
            Do you have suggestions?
            Thank you!


              Sorry I missed this message.

              I would make sure to run a MycoTOX Profile from Great Plains Laboratory on this child.

              Also, he may just have an allergy to some ingredient in Biocidin. Moving forward it would be best to avoid it.

              Dr. Woeller

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