Behavior: Waving, Chewing paper

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  • #1684
    Netta Gerad

      Dear Dr. Woeller, what are the reasons for this behavior?

      Female, 6 y, we treat candida and leaky gut for 6 weeks, she is more waving and showing more abnormal behavior after evening supplemnts which contains Biocidin.(less tummy aches)

      another 3.5 y boy, 5 months in treatment
      (starting point:candida and mold, dysbiosis, a lot of deficiencies,toxiticy, oxalates, anemia, D3 low, some food sensativity and recently diagnozed with Celiac)
      A lot of improvements in communucation and health but still putting things like paper in his mouth (not Swallowing) , also a lot of waving espechially when excited or stressed.



        The waving when excited and stressed in common in autism, so it is not always connected to candida. The 6 year old child is characteristic of yeast and/or bacteria die-off in the gut.

        The 3 year old child with waving behavior is often linked to sensory imbalances seen in autism. Putting paper in the mouth can be a form of sensory seeking behavior too.

        Dr. Woeller

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