Vaccination Prep

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  • #1523
    Lourdes Tanchanco

      Dear Dr Woeller
      Do you follow a protocol on how to prepare children or adults who have autism or some signs of auto-immunity for vaccination? I have some parents asking about this.
      Thank you!


        I do not have a specific protocol on vaccine preparation. The main reason is there is no one size fits all approach for this scenario. There are various alternative schedules that have been used for vaccines over the years and Dr. Sears book “The Vaccine Book” is good resource for parents seeking information on alternative dosing schedules – Dr. Sears is a pediatrician in S. California.

        Paul Thomas, M.D., another pediatrician, has a good resource book too –

        What seems to be very important for a healthy immune system is a whole food nutritious diet, along with foundational supplements we have discussed already in the course. Also, Vitamin D levels above at least 50 ng/ml is most optimal for immune function. Finally, if someone has multiple other infections, e.g., fungal, bacteria, viral, this may increase their chances of adverse vaccine effects, but this is not entirely proven in all cases. Therefore, there is no guarantee that these measures will be 100% effective at preventing a vaccine reaction, but could lesson the potential.

        Dr. Woeller

        Lourdes Tanchanco

          Thank you Dr Woeller

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