
Home Forums Autism Mastery Diet Soy

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    Hello Dr. Woeller,
    Can you please speak a little more to soy.
    I have heard that the soy protein is very similar to casein and that there can be a lot of cross over allergy reactivity. Also I know you brining it up a lot in discussion with gluten and casein and peptide reactivity. I’m wondering if the soy protein reacts similarly in an opiate-like effect? Thank you


      Yes, soy can provide its own opiate-like effect. The gluten and casein-free diet should really be renamed a gluten, casein and soy-free diet. Plus, soy is usually very high in glyphosate which is another reason to avoid it.

      Dr. Woeller


      Thank you this was helpful. Yes it does seem soy is very problematic, the high oxalate issue as well. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


        Thanks. You too.
        Dr. Woeller

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