chronic uti

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    Dr. Woeller,
    After listening to the biofilm webinar, it seems likely a contributing factor to recurring uti infections for my daughter. They began in her school when she had many different young care taker and has continued into her adult life. We are preparing to collect urine for the OATS test. Do you have any other recommendations for testing as i have ordered them all.
    I ran an OATS test a few years ago, the great plains staff was looking into the archive to try to find it, as am I.
    She also does not wake on her own to get up at nite to use the bathroom. how can we find a way for her to get connected to herself?


      If you can I would also suggest the GPL-TOX and MycoTOX profiles from Great Plains along with the OAT collection.

      Dr. Woeller


      Dr. Woeller,

      Thanks for the recommendations.

      How does the urine metal test compare to the hair test?

      Do you recommend someone chelate to detox heavy metals first for better result?



      Aloha ho Dr. Woeller,

      Do you use an MRI for diagnostic purposes? Angelica’s doc wants to run an MRI because of her extreme behaviors and she requested contrasting dye. I do not feel comfortable with the general anesthesia or the contrasting dye.

      We ran an MRI when she was 16. Her anatomy is normal. Nothing was larger or smaller than a normal brain. Although she is now 35.



      Aloha Dr. Woeller,
      We sent the urine in for all suggested testing a couple of weeks ago. just waiting for results.


      Aloha Doc Woeller,
      May we consult you on the test results from her OAT, Gpl-tox and Myco-tox?
      I will email McCandless test results and summary. It was many years ago we worked with Dr. McCandless and then we worked with Dr. Green briefly from Oregon.


        Yes. We can consult about these lab tests.

        Based on my schedule we need to set it up through my consulting practice. Please email Leigh at If you are just wanting me to help with test interpretation and some basic suggestions that we talk about over the phone there won’t any need to fill out paperwork. However, if you are wanting me to take a more active role in program development which requires writing up reports/programs, ordering supplements than new patient paperwork will be needed (I cannot provide prescription medications at a distance). Either way, since you are an attendee in this course, the first consult is complimentary.

        Dr. Woeller


          Regarding your other questions:

          1 – Hair testing is going to give a better representation of past exposure to metals. Most baseline urine metals tests without a chelator do not show any significant levels of metals unless there has been very recent exposure. If using urine metals it is best to do provocative dosing of DMSA or DMPS prior to collection.
          2 – I typically don’t do MRI. It may provide some indications of problems, but I leave this up to a neurologist if they have strong suspicion of some underlying pathology. I understand your concerns regarding contrast and anesthesia. You should ask the neurologist what they are specifically looking for and could the image still provide benefit without the contrast.

          Dr. Woeller

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