
Home Forums Autism Mastery General – Miscellaneous Dopamine/Noripinephrine

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    Someone has asked what it means when the two are low? I’ve always heart it to be high but never low.

    Any thoughts? How would this be addressed?


      When dopamine (HVA) and norepinephrine (VMA) are low there is typically an input. What this means is the precursors to dopamine are potentially deficient. Phenylalanine converts to Tyrosine converts to L-DOPA. L-DOPA converts to dopamine. So, it is possible there is a deficiency of these amino acids. Also, Vitamin B6 helps in the conversion of DOPA to Dopamine. There may be polymorphism that occur in the converting enzymes too affecting the levels. Finally, BH4 (tetrahydrobiopterin) is a cofactor for phenylalanine to tyrosine and tyrosine to DOPA conversion. Supplementing with BH4 can help. Typical dose is 2.5mg twice daily.

      Dr. Woeller

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