High 2-hydroxyisovaleric

Home Forums Autism Mastery Lab Testing High 2-hydroxyisovaleric

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    Hi, Could I get your help with OAT test that came back with all the following, a high 2-hydroxisovaleric marker of 3.8, There was also a low B6 a need for B12, a high 2-hydroxybutyric of 19, high mitochondrial markers fumaric 4.8 and malic 3.8, high Arabinose of 70 , 3 hydroxy butyric of 1,798 and ACetoaceetic 832 – (but they are doing a lower carb diet) also lowish HVA and VMA and Lowish 5HiAA
    Back ground 10 year old non verbal autistic boy with aggression and lots of bloating and belly pain.
    Obviously there are some may things where should I start? Thanks Alison


      Dr. Byrd,
      Sorry, I missed this message.

      Marker #43 and #44 are most likely linked to the low carb diet. You can add in some L-carnitine too at 250mg twice daily.

      The low HVA, VMA, and 5-HIAA are a little more tricky. This could be linked to lack of amino acids such as tyrosine and phenylalanine. Also, B6 is necessary for dopamine (HVA). The low 5-HIAA can be helped with 5-HTP (i.e., 50mg twice daily). There is another product called BH4 – https://www.spectrumsupplements.com/supplement/tetrahydrobiopterin-60-capsules/ – that we will be discussing in Module #12.

      Most likely the other markers are just being affected by various nutrient imbalances and Candida.

      Dr. Woeller

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