High Uracil

Home Forums Autism Mastery Lab Testing High Uracil

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    Hi, Dr Woeller, could you please advise me I have results from Vibrant Americas organic acid which tests the same markers as GPL, the following markers can back high N-acetylcysteine 1.04 ( <0.26 mmol/mol) and a high Uracil 37.20 (<9.40 mmol/mol) HVA/VMA Ratio was high 2.19 ( 074-1.88) the labs also showed a need for B6.

    Background this is a high-functioning Autistic 9-year-old girl 85lbs, she is on foundational supplements which include some methyl b12 and Methyl folate. she is anxious and having frequent headaches and dizzy spells. Her sister at around this age developed seizures. I have started magnesium, P5P and L-theanine, and Taurine. This has helped, but I was not sure what to do about the raised Uracil marker? Do you add more 5MTHF? Thank you for your help.


      Dr. Byrd,

      -The high NAC could either be from taking NAC as a supplement or a block in the converting enzyme Acylase 1 which deacetylates NAC to cysteine. Look to see if the Pyroglutamic is elevated.
      -High Uracil is linked to either a folate deficiency (or perhaps an absorption problem) and/or conversion issue within the folate cycle. Typically, the thing to do is provide additional L-methyl-folate supplementation, e.g., 1000mcg to 2000mcg daily.
      -Low B6 is common. This can be obtained through a multivitamin or individual B6 can be administered, e.g., 25mg daily.
      -the HVA/VMA ratio could be affected by the low B6. The ratio is either high because HVA is high normal or VMA is low normal or both.

      In this particular situation I would consider adding more folate. However, since they are on methyl-folate, I personally would add some Folinic Acid at 800mcg daily…then retest the OAT again in 90 days.

      Dr. Woeller


      Thank you, she is not taking NAC, and Pyroglutamic is not elevated, I started on P5P but will add Folinic and restest Thanks for the help, Alison


        Sounds like a good plan.
        Dr. Woeller

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